Icon comission for @yomidraws
I'm really proud of this one, since I had to try something I've never done before, but I think it worked out quite well :D Hope you like it too!
small icon comission for my buddy @TKmewr ! He asked me to do it im a black/white stlye, like the "u got that" meme.
My usual shading doesn't work on black & white, so I had to to cell-shading.... It's been so long /D I hope you like it, black and white is really fun!
I'm reworking my examples for my comission list and I tried to do some small Icons as a test. I really like the result, hope you enjoy it too :D
All characters shown belong to me
Haven’t been active here for some time ^^‘ I really have some issues with ideas atm... But I‘m really proud how this boy turned out!
He‘s one of my Comis/Story Characters and I enjoy all his fluffiness ~
Thse are some older pieces now, but I still lov how they tured out <3
I was and still am a fan of the NiGHTS games by Sega and wanted to
do a pmv but I lost motivation halfway through..