

34. She/Her. Ace. Fibro Sufferer. Writer. Cosplayer. D&D. Genshin. ME. GW2. Amariahellcat on AO3 & Insta. Banner @natendo_art

フォロー数:369 フォロワー数:175

Getting Cat through base story now too, may as well! Tho mesmer is def not my best class.

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Me: I kind of hate my own writing today and have zero motivation to do anything. Hurray.
Also me: I have a total makeover kit I haven't used and I never actually play Rose. Let's do-her-over and make her look like Regan why not.

...much better

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Hi I'm still proud of this Gif of Terra enjoy her being a ballerina. Weaver skills look badass ok.

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Playing back through LWS4 and... opportunities for grumpy screeeeeens.

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Gonna try and DM this thing wish me luck!!

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Have a Cozy Wintersday Salad (who will probably end up back in her old armor shortly but eh I tried)

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Fandays selfies part one!!! Had such a good time and got to see some great friends 💕♥️

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Editing screens has kept me sane tonight

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