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@lupchaa Me too, but I got 3 copies of Riko's mother...
... and I have no complaints about it 🥺
@njessness OF COURSE! >.<
I tought it was a Muse-girls-only-quiz!! >.<
@njessness Such good result you got there~💘
"Grabbing her arm" is enough for me~💘
It is the closest point they have reached officially x3
@njessness You are welcome! ♥️
I hope so... and I must admit that I'm doing some magics to get some gems and scout for her right now... but I'll have my expectations low... just in case 👀
Eli's non fes URs are so cute 🥺💘
Best wishes for you! >w<
Even though I know that it is not gonna happen... I wish another Owari no Seraph season to be aired so bad~🥺
@ValChikaYou @Rubyrot1 Ask him if he loves Nana's jacket~
@Rubyrot1 @ValChikaYou I don't wear it >///<
Yuriko will~ 😏
@njessness I mean the ones from the song cover~