Ambrea Taddy #CommissionsOpenさんのプロフィール画像

Ambrea Taddy #CommissionsOpenさんのイラストまとめ

Et pis même que c'est bon les pâtes ♥
Artiste française / French artist
Dessinatrice de BD, auteure / Comic artist, author

フォロー数:216 フォロワー数:68

ça dépend le style que j'utilise je te joins 2 images. La première m'a pris 1/2h et la seconde m'en a pris 8

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Hi ! I'm a french artist who's drawing a comic right now. But I also do nice things ! Most of it are childy stuff, but I also do gory/scary ones ! O.O Here are my drawing I am really proud I did !

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Heyo ! Thx for this ! My commissions are open, the chart is in french but the prices are also in dollars ;) Come on, I don't bite ! I draw illustrations for children most of the time, but I also do a lot of things, even scary and gory ones OoO

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Hi ! Thx for the post ^^ I'm a french artist and comic maker (only in french for now, I don't have enough english people following me :/ ) And I draw colorful animals and gorgeous universes ! Here are some of my works, including my comic !

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Je vois ça popper dans mon fil d'actualité donc je profite ^^ Je suis artiste et bédéiste, et je te laisse avec plaisir quelques références de ce que je fais. C'est beaucoup de couleur et d'animaux, mais je fais aussi des humains et des choses plus sombres ^^

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Hi ! I'm Ambrea Taddy, a french artist who draws mostly for children and for adults with a love for peps and colors ! I am curently doing a comic, but I don't have enough english speaker following me to translate it ^^"

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Tiens, serait-ce la première page de ma BD ? Restez attentifs, bientôt un compte uniquement pour Samalta va poper, avec des artworks exclusifs ! Gardez l'oeil ouvert <3

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H.Birthday ! :D I'm a french artist that basically draw illustrations for children ^^ So, lots of animals and pony !

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