

thegoblinboss.eth NFT, P2E Cryptocurrency Youtube Channel: youtube.com/channel/UCfkkT

フォロー数:877 フォロワー数:1964

It's easy to get distracted in the space. Everything flocks to what's shiny & new while continues to be the 1st Fully on Chain NFT on the $ETH Proof of Stake Network. This is historical & long term nothing beats historical value in the world of collectibles

10 29

Wow huge spike in volume for today... who is regretting not buying the bottom? Enjoy a few images from my wallet if you don't have any

15 86

y'all know what this is right? It's a and it's in my wallet yo

1 1

I must have gotten into some Catnip today... aped into another new one. Had to get these for the 🔥art & of course the culture... Disclaimer I know nothing of team & there is no website.. but plenty of mystery

1 3

The is one of the few collections launched in 2022 that has maintained relevance, volume & price many months after mint looking to go 3rd major run up. What is there secret??

24 100

How about my ?! They must be killing it at because the floor is Lava 🔥 Got me so hyped I had to pick up another radioactive

25 96

Yo figure out a way to make it easy and worth while for small local businesses to buy ads and benefit from them…. Then you won’t need giant woke corps with ESG programs to advertise. This won’t be an app of the people without small local businesses taking part

1 3

I had nothing on Solana but this whole fiasco has drained me of my desire to make content. Exchanges should be nothing more than fiat on ramps and off ramps. If your ecosystem doesn’t have a good decentralized economy than it’s not worth buying

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