Amgueddfa Learnさんのプロフィール画像

Amgueddfa Learnさんのイラストまとめ

Adran Addysg | Learning Department 🏛️@Museum_Cardiff 🏰@StFagans_Museum 🚂@The_Waterfront ⛏️@BigPitMuseum 🛡️@RomanCaerleon ⛰️@AmgueddfaLechi 🐑@AmgueddfaWlan

フォロー数:453 フォロワー数:880

Coming soon! A new themed Digital Toddler time. Full of fun things that families can do together all about Christmas! You won’t want to miss it!

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Yn dod cyn hir! Prynhawn y plant Digidol â themod newydd. Yn llawn pethau hwyliog y gall teuluoedd eu gwneud gyda'i gilydd. Fyddwch chi ddim eisiau ei golli!

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Pan mae’n tywyllu, beth am chwarae gêm dweud stori. Mae hyn yn gweithio’n well gyda chriw o bobl. Casglwch bethau o’ch tŷ a’u rhoi mewn bag, Dewiswch un peth ar y tro a chreu stori gyda nhw.

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When it gets dark why not play a story telling game. This works best played with other people. Gather up some objects from your house and put them in a bag, pick them out one at a time and tell a story using the objects.

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Looking for some inspiration for some activities to do together as a family over the weekend? Why not download our Museum from Home booklet and get creative! We’d love to see what you make!

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Eich Amgueddfa – Eich Llais

Rydyn ni’ch angen chi! Helpwch ni i siapio dyfodol eich amgueddfa genedlaethol drwy rannu’ch barn gyda ni.

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We’d love to see pictures of what you make. And don’t forget to clean things before you use them, and always wash your hands! Don’t forget if you don’t want to keep your creations take them apart and recycle them!

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Eich Amgueddfa – Eich Llais

Rydyn ni’ch angen chi! Helpwch ni i siapio dyfodol eich amgueddfa genedlaethol drwy rannu’ch barn gyda ni.

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As the nights start to draw in why not play a story telling game. This works best played with other people. Gather up some objects from your house and put them in a bag, pick them out one at a time and tell a story using the objects.

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Wrth i'r nosweithiau ddechrau tynnu i mewn beth am chwarae gêm dweud stori. Mae hyn yn gweithio’n well gyda chriw o bobl. Casglwch bethau o’ch tyˆ a’u rhoi mewn bag, Dewiswch un peth ar y tro a chreu stori gyda nhw.

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