Amo阿寞 🇹🇼🇺🇸さんのプロフィール画像

Amo阿寞 🇹🇼🇺🇸さんのイラストまとめ

Pixel artist | he/him | EN/中文

amorphouspixels( @ )…

フォロー数:674 フォロワー数:5892

A lesbian couple and their pooch vs. the apocalypse, still a little WIP. 一對女同性戀者和她們的狗面對浩劫,還沒完成。#pixelart

65 516

Old sprite -> no single pixels -> no corner connections. Inspired by , , and

22 243

Another dog doodle to take my mind off things -- stay safe everyone

15 221

Done with school, doing quick revisions on old sprites to dust off rust🐮

43 435

Art train! I like to make pixel art of all sizes. 藝術火車嘟嘟嘟🚃#pixelart

5 28

A couple lil' Wesnoth axe-men. 兩個小斧頭兵

22 308

Pixel portraits in various stages of completion. 不完整的像素肖像。#pixelart

29 252

"Sketch" from 2012 vs. final from 2022. One day I'll go through and compile all ten years of fiddling with this sprite into one WIP animation (who knows if I'm even done fiddling)

68 513