

Every piece of art has its own unique voice that an artist likes to use to tell the world who they are.…

フォロー数:254 フォロワー数:186


Thank you guys for letting me kidnap your characters for a bit! They were all fun to draw! :)

10 31

I was playing with filters and lighting again... I can't stop. Please send help.

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I'm very proud of these two pieces I've done. I love the textures I accomplished in the first one, and I live the shading I've done in the second one.

1 8

Finally... after three days, I have finally finished this piece. I ended up playing around with the colors and made three different versions because I couldn't decide which one I liked more. XD

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Hi! My name is Sara and I am a multimedia artist that is always trying something different! My art is always changing and I can never seem to stick to a single style for very long.

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Heyo! My name is Sara and I'm from the U.S.! I'm just a multimedia artist that loves experimenting and can never stick to one style for too long.

4 11

Before my overly supportive sister, sees this and tags me, I'm just going to add myself into this. Hello! My name is Sara and I guess I would be considered as a multi-media artist. I love experimenting with my art and can't seem to stick to just one style.

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This is before the filter. Still can't decide which one I like more.

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