

✨|| I draw things / game design m.a. student / ger/en ||✨

casual account - @Ananasatom

フォロー数:579 フォロワー数:605

She's also still alive. 🥕

2 26

Trigger Girls Beach Party 🏝️🔫

53 235

-Character Concept Sketches 05-

Introducing Emiko, one of Sora's close friends. Here are some outfit concepts I made for her.

4 16

-Character Concept Sketches 02-

Some hairstyle variations I did for Sora's design. I'll probably stick to style B because it looks the most unique in my opinion.

5 15

-Character Concept Sketches 01-

Some sketches of different outfits for Sora. Which one do you like the most?

6 31