

ACE 30s She/They
I'm Ana, Key, Thyna, Tiffany!
Buff Bunny Babe/Artist/Gremlin
Tall gal lover. Pretty boy admirer.

Probably leveling a new alt in FFXIV.

フォロー数:853 フォロワー数:162

Didn't get to finish the gal in the middle cause the patch came up early. These are my D&D girls, Temogri, Ievri and Oluki.

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It's been another rough year art wise but as long as I manage to fill one of these I'm usually happy. I had a lot of good ideas this year, just been hard to focus since I got sick.

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My warrior of light, all cleaned up and strutting her stuff.

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I'm obsessed with the Rom and Death meme and I want to do one with me and my friends characters so I did a test with Thyn'a.
Very happy with this!

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If I was isekai'ed into FFXIV I wouldn't be a WHM. I'd be SLM. XD
:3 Another birthday piece for myself.

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:3 It's my BIRTHDAY today ♥

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I was suddenly overcome with the urge to sketch Thyn'a and Meteion. A tender, happy moment floating in the space between worlds?
😊I love little bird child.

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requested that I put up the pony I designed in our pony swap, so here she is, Pumpkin Twist! We've been on a pony kick recently. Having a lot of fun.

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He's a sweet prince and I couldn't resist doing a quick little Noodle doodle.

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Here's a quick little doodle that I hope makes you smile! I hope you slept well.

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