

Air | Aussie 30-something | メガネ | 日本語能力試験 N3ish | I ❤️ my dogs |

フォロー数:132 フォロワー数:748


Not a soul:

Literally no one ever:

Early 00s Blonde Character Designs:

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I heard that YouTube doesn't recommend videos that get under 300 views. Which makes sense if that's true because, as soon as my videos started doing better than 300 views each, I had more videos that got past 1000 views.
So if you seen one of my videos, please give it a watch 💖

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I can't wait to meet you.

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First favourite Pokémon vs. current favourite

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both these characters right here
they are me

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Toropiamon is my new favourite Digimon, if you are wondering.

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for the spooky season. It's art by my lovely friend !

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I drew a Penmon from Digimon today and, halfway through doing the outline, I realised it reminded me of the duck from 'The Duck Song', so I just had to give it the same background and overall style.

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anime character i wanted to be as a kid vs who i am now


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