

I post daily drawings here.

フォロー数:2178 フォロワー数:189378

Might draw a few characters inspired by foods, it could be interesting, here's the first

39 264

Just a quickie. Wanted to draw something more cute for a change

9 86

Wanted to try using a red background for one of my pieces, I think it looks neat.

59 404

Just quickly colored an old sketch

5 61

Recently watched Spiderverse again and wanted to draw something for it, was trying to draw something with motion lines, not too sure it turned out as well as it could have. The piece just looks kinda sketchy and blurry than anything, but it was fun to work on

5 58

Here's a random drawing from today. Picked on old sketch and finished it. Didn't have anything specific in mind, just wanted to draw something relaxing

3 36

Was trying to do something similar to one of my older pieces that had a similar drop shadow and glowing yellow eyes. I think it turned out alright.

10 76

Spent a little more time on this one. Tring to use a slightly different painting process than usual.

11 41