

Andalusia K. Soloff 📷🚴🏼‍♀️🎥 Esp/Eng Multimedia Journo/ Emmy Nominated Filmmaker en México. Founder @FrFreelanceMex andalusia.k.s@gmail

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Buenas tardes Iztapalapa

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Busco una oficina compartida en CDMX para dos personas para ocuparla dos días la semana en una zona céntrica. ¿ Sugerencias ? Coworking pero que no sea wework

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Feminist protests have exploded across Mexico following 3 brutal femicides- Victoria, 37yro Salvadoran migrant detained & killed by cops in Wendy, 16yro went for a walk & was found dead in a canal in Karla drove a taxi & was found dead at beach.

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The Mexico City Gov claimed they did not fire tear gas but the images of grabbing the tear canister and throwing it back to the police show that they did. Various women artists made illustrations of 1. 2. 3. 4.

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If you had any doubt that some lives are worth more than others, 10 nahuatl indigenous musicians were just ambushed & incinerated near Chilapa, Guerrero. When same thing happened to the Lebaron family in Sonora it was int'l news. The massacre has barely made headlines in Mexico

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Pink glitter has become symbol of an emerging movement in Mexico City. Following a series of rapes of young women in Mexico City commited by the police, women protested outside DA’s office and glitter was thrown at the police chief. Today they will take to the streets again.

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