Lancer Lyell?さんのプロフィール画像

Lancer Lyell?さんのイラストまとめ

He/Him Adult. All around nerd. Anime, video games, tabletop games, sci fi, fantasy you name it. I retweet a LOT of cool stuff so be aware.

フォロー数:4912 フォロワー数:520

Alitron for people who don't know. He's a dragon-blooded samurai of mine. Who in his ultimate design has jagged, form fitting gothic plate plate like the gif. Finger claws and all. But I haven't found an artist that I feel could/would pull it off.

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I think he'd look cute in your style

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Aaahhh, I love gufeng! I have a character that lacks a solid ref, but I've got a doodle I did, a colored commission, and an example of the body suit he usually wears under his clothes. I imagine he has like 'bracers' and armor, but it's just exposed parts of his undersuit.

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This is Elijah! He's a werewolf. He probably got arrested because he killed a bunch of cultists, or bad people. Or was investigating the body of someone they killed .And he didn't get away from the scene.

He's inexpressive, laconic, fierce and shy. Very pretty, but skrunkly

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Late to the party but I hope you like him. His name is Lyell and he already wants to be friends.

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Two character concepts I keep jumping between trying to make in build work: A monk/synthesist-summoner Stand User, or a frontier doctor Alchemist Gunslinger Skaven.

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