

creative director - hobbyist artist since 2017

dev @PrismHive | $PRiSM with @leb_xxx

フォロー数:1324 フォロワー数:17293

raw ai vs paintover

3 37

From the other side - wip

1 47

original vs tatted people


17 220

ADRX_DAO.4 incoming

24 184

16 of 22 left ! Yes it's a small collection but i want to do the things correctly for the next. it's necessary

thanks everyone

0 4

ADRX.DAO x j i b a r o

22 of 22 ronins with their own soul. their own stories.
Each holders will receive a pc of my next artworks on the marketplace. For free and for life. This is my ROI initiative and my only roadmap.

Offers only

12 42