

Small time digital artist that sometimes does traditional work.

フォロー数:1089 フォロワー数:223

Did some more. haven't drawn in awhile so I'm getting back in the swing of things

1 5

Quick thing I did, turns out I'm not dead and I've somehow been productive.

5 9

Here some of my stuff, I'm doing mainly dnd stuff right now

0 1

Thanks for the space.
Hi I'm A2 I mainly do fanart and dnd related art based of campaigns I've played in.

0 4

Thanks for the art train tag

Gonna tag these two and

3 5

Thanks for the tag
Hi I'm A2 I do digital art focusing on fanart while I develop my art style. Hope u like my stuff.

4 4

Sketch of Bullet from Blaze Blue

7 22

Happy birthday misoh,
Think these r my favourites so far

1 5