

Girl 🇻🇪 24 years ✧ Psychologist ❀ #Iamrenaissance
An entrepreneur with multiple passions and hobbies

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El éxito es la capacidad de ir de fracaso en fracaso sin perder el entusiasmo.

Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.
Winston Churchill


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El arte no es algo que se pueda tomar y dejar. Es necesario para vivir.

Art is not something that can be taken and left. It is necessary to live.
Oscar Wilde


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The admirable thing is that man continues to fight and create beauty in the midst of a barbaric and hostile world.
Ernesto Sábato


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Las cosas dulces de la vida superan a las amargas.

The sweet things in life outweigh the bitter.
Lao - Tse


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Una idea es la salvación por medio de la imaginación

An idea is salvation through imagination
Frank Lloyd Wright


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Any form of art is a form of power; it has an impact, it can influence changes: not only can it change us, but it makes us change.
Ossie Davis


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La imaginación es el inicio de la creación. Imaginas lo que deseas

Imagination is the beginning of creation. imagine what you want
George Bernard Shaw


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El amor de la belleza es gusto. La creación de la belleza es arte

Love of beauty is taste. The creation of beauty is art

Ralph Waldo Emerson


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The whole life is a search for beauty. But when beauty is found within, the search ends and a beautiful journey begins.
Harshit Walia


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The most powerful art in life is to turn pain into a talisman that heals. A butterfly is reborn flowered in a party of colors! Frida Kahlo


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