

I'm an artist who doesn't draw something so often, I can disappear for quite a long time. I am 20 years old and I live in Russia.

フォロー数:378 フォロワー数:12259

I decided to draw something like Killer and Blue cosplay on the girls from the game Skullgerls.

4 20

I'm just drawing a demon. If you only knew how much I liked to draw this.

0 7

I decided to post all my art here anyway, and not just on alphabet lore, so....heh, there will be more Undertale, but now I want to introduce you to my shipkid BlueStar. Just a little kid Dream and Blue.

2 30

And so, I drew the numbers. And so I ask you to pay attention to my versions 1 and 2.

24 129

I went back and drew a W, as for me pretty cute girls.

21 98

Well, just art, as well as the ship F and S.

14 100