

Fan account. DC/Marvel Comics, Movies.

フォロー数:291 フォロワー数:2019



Anyway, kindly reminder that no, Chris' eventual comeback wouldn't necessarily step over SamCap, we are talking about Steve Rogers, not CA, Commander Rogers and Nomad are right here and I'd actually want to see Steve as far as possible from the stars&stripes, he doesn't need it

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I wish some people wouldn't use the comics to say that Bucky is a villain bc in his most important and defining arc it's clearly said that he was brought back from death as a blank slate and the actual villains reprogrammed his mind so that he would be loyal to them only-

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Apologies for bringing up sad panels but this is the last time Bucky and his dad talked and the last words they shared 😢
From CA and Bucky by Brubaker

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From CA SoL
Steve and Bucky fighting side by side as they should always!

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- also for James Jr, Jim and Gotham herself.This is one of those stories cementing the concept that Gotham is doomed somehow, impossible to fix for real, which makes Dick's (and the all the Bats') tenacity and effort even braver. James Jr proved to be an impressive-

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"Heroism isn't about strength. It's about not giving in".
Steve in Judgment Day
Thought that Steve loyalists would appreciate this panel

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Love this variant cover by Jim Lee for tec it's evocative, it's haunting, it's darkness and fear all wrapped up in one creature of the night. Bruce seems to have been literally swallowed and be part of it

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Gotham City: Year One is getting gorgeous and evocative covers too, these variants for by G. Smallwood and F. Francavilla are simply *amazing* to catch at best crime-noir vibes

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