

Just a simple artist with some stuff to share. Amateur Cartoonist and Character Designer. Open for trades. Interacts with +18 Accounts…

フォロー数:519 フォロワー数:1211

This was done before Kirby Star Allies made all that DLC shit with old foes and friends. I was pretty upset that Glacta Knight could make several boss fights but Marx was just...gone per say.

4 16

Old Practice Luigis I did to work on more expressions

7 34

Time to properly introduce Zuzee, the nont-so-good alternate-universe version of 's Zuzi (and not an excuse to draw more green triclops aliens)

11 37

After doing that Mario Land 2 piece inspired by Cuphead, I did a few takes on a few Mario baddies to...test more waters.
Waluigi, Popple, and Tatanga stuck well.

15 39

A trio of demonic business women featuring (left to right); Reverie, Debbie, and Piettra!

15 35

I did my own take own the original 4 Pacman ghosts, borrowing a bit here and there from other games, ESPECIALLY Arrangement.

27 57

So I think I didnt post Flare in her suit here, but mght as well post her now!

13 34

The original three food monsters I made back in Highschool; Brawlcoli, Zomshrimp, and Slaghetti

6 18

"And that's when I slammed that annoying princess into the ground with my pure strength, HA HA HA!"

Just a silly doodle of K.Rool and Isabelle; kinda assuming theyd share a drink after a match and share stories.

14 34