

永遠漫画関係の仕事目指してます!イタリア出身の欧系華人。よかった仲良くしてください!! EN OK
Eternal aspiring manga artist. From Italy with love, chinese origins. Let's be friend, amigos.

フォロー数:197 フォロワー数:185

Dancing Heroes 🕺💃🕺💃🕺💃

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いいなあ。私はJustin Bieber と同い年!
Baby baby baby nooooo 🎶

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It's always been hell
From when I was born
They make me violate them
No matter who they are

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Follow on Instagram .fumetti!

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Draw yourself in a movie.
The first rule of Fight Club is?

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Study of the direct light.
Reference book: Color and Light by James Gurney

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