

Fighting games and animation enthusiast. Warning i give likes to NSFW art sometimes. I hope we can be friends.
Atte: A Blub

フォロー数:2997 フォロワー数:230

There is always this kinds of arguments when it comes to discussing shonen online that i can never take in good faith.
The "generic shonen" is one of them, is like people can't see a story sharing similarities with others without hitting a red button on their heads

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something fun of looking trough old Persona fanbooks is that you can clearly see what was popular at the time just with a glance to the pictures

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Man i love Fan art like this. For some reason the P1 sphere excells in this kind of take on the character. I guess Kaneko art does leave that big of an impression.
link to the artist or you can find it as seitamu on twitter

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OMG! i love this concept way too much. It's great.
Artist of the pic:

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