Angy Long Leggy (and Jorge 🦀)さんのプロフィール画像

Angy Long Leggy (and Jorge 🦀)さんのイラストまとめ

Anthro Artist • Maned Wolf (OC) • ♋ • icon by bestie @LeoKingdomFA • risque (?) shit here and there you've been warned idfk •

フォロー数:233 フォロワー数:2585

You don't wanna know how many times I throw myself back to this point because I don't know how I'm going to finish this
I don't want inking to completely ruin it but I wanna ink it gshdj

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Sketch from last year of Eliana, my jaguarundi capoeirista. :o Was just a thigh high that I threw sliiightly upgraded flat colors on, I think I may just turn this into a full reference sheet since I haven't post a pic of her on FA since '14 FFFF

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Been drawing off and on for a while. There's been times where I'd stop drawing for months or years at a time.
Dog in green is from '05.
2012-'13 is when I started taking art more seriously.
Blue fella is from '15
Last is from late '17

Keep at it!

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Finally able to sit down and post this shit lol
Full version posted on my alt FA account, mmhmm (NSFW)

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Here's a crappy closeup of a thing I did for but y'all should really check out what he did tho ;_;
And full (ish) thing here
(rare, shitty background but I'M TRYING, I'll learn eventually)

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Since I haven't posted my own crap in what feels like ages
Close to done with Buri's ref
Almost. :V Time escapes me aaah
(Her crab's gonna be there too)

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eh, since I haven't been posting here in a while, have at a snippet of a raccoon dog lady that just sits in my files lol

full post later

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also a WIP of one of 's ladies s'cuse me while I struggle to remember how to color ghsdfajsa

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