Anima DeRosaさんのプロフィール画像

Anima DeRosaさんのイラストまとめ

Child of God. Always Snuggu time. Author, artist, dancer, and the cat everyone hates. @AnimaDerosa telegram. Anima DeRosa (Rose)#6574 discord. Coms open. Male.

フォロー数:148 フォロワー数:387

Meeting adversity with anger and frustration only breeds more of the same. Be calm, be steady, and be forgiving. If we turn to hate, it will consume us.
*Hugs and snugs*

1 5

Sit down
Be at ease
The world isn't going anywhere
Some things take time
Be patient
It'll be okay
You're not alone
You are loved
You are alive
You are free
Don't be afraid
It's not the end
Every day is a new beginning
Keep going
It'll be worth it
*Hugs and kisses*

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First "lineless" piece! I hope to do more like this in the future, if I can.
*Hugs and kisses*

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Kitty go pew pew pew!
*Giggles and smiles*

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Looks like my sister is armed and ready. Better watch out, she might give you a big fluffy hug!
*Hugs and kisses*

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Don't mind me. Just sifting through some old art...

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*roommate walks in at midnight*
Hey! Who wants to go to McDonald's?

Me: *throws controller on the couch* YES!

[Later at the drive thru]

Roommate: can we get 12 hot and spicy's?

Yes. We are weird people.

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Roommate 1: I think my spirit animal is a dog.

Roommate 2: awe, then why don't you ever get excited when I come home?

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Dragons are just winged, scaly kitties.

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What does it mean to be _____ ?

Kitty wants to hear from all of you.

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