Animals Australiaさんのプロフィール画像

Animals Australiaさんのイラストまとめ

Australia's foremost national animal protection agency.
Join us on our journey to create a kinder world — for everyone. *We don't read DMs, please e-mail us*

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Laws do not protect him. He's a living, breathing, and sentient being. Yet outdated laws and practices deny him the life he deserves.

The good news is that there's an alternative. If we free our thinking, we can change his world.


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The egg industry is trying to make today 'World Egg Day'. But it's just another day for hens to be trapped in battery cages. 😥

If you're keen to celebrate something worth a smile, today is also World Octopus Day.

Which are you celebrating? Drop an emoji below: 🐙 or 🥚

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This little joey has just come into care, a little wallaby. His mum managed to protect him, but would not protect herself from the fires. Sadly she was too badly burnt & vets eased her passing.

We find some comfort in the knowledge that she knew kindness in her final moments.💔

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The CliffsofMoher's shoulder broke early on in the race.
He was killed on the track.

RIP to another beautiful horse. He was 5 years old.

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Fear feels the same for all of us. 😟

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