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All things Justice League, Justice League Unlimited. #JLReunion

フォロー数:610 フォロワー数:18885

Mongul: Oh, dear. Is that a neural impactor? I didn't know they were still making those. I'd advise you to try the plasma disruptor. It's more of a woman's weapon.

Wonder Woman: Go to....

For The Man Who Has Everything

52 415



Batman: What is it?

Superman: Mankind's only hope.

Secret Origins part 1

29 269

"Don't even think about it."
- Batman

Secret origins part 1

118 901

J'onn: I am J'onn J'onzz.

Superman: Don't take it personally, J'onn. He doesn't trust anyone.

J'onn: A wise policy.

Secret Origins part 1

49 308