

amateur artist | open to find a friend | tired :3

フォロー数:598 フォロワー数:2119

My reaction everytime send new update on protogen pile :3

4 47

Good night my floffy friend i hope you guys have a nice day :3

0 2

Good night my floffy friend, this is my last art for this day i hope you have a nice day =w=

0 3

This is a game :3

You just approach with sharky boi and he want cuddle from you :3

what will you do?

1.*cuddle sharky boi*
2.throw rice craker at sharky boi
3.say to sharky boi *i know your google history*

Please write answear at comment. :3

And have a nice day.

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I don,t understand why there so much furry do this pose. :3

0 6

Don,t have toaster at home don,t i will be your toaster. :3

3 29

Happy toaster eat the toast. :3

0 6

This what i always fear when play scp 3008 in roblox.

1 12

Sometime i feel like no one see what i posted and that kindda make me down.

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