

Animemes subreddit @ me on twitter if you want it retweeted but I won't just retweet any animeme. Meme stealer. I won't block you like the other one.

フォロー数:16 フォロワー数:2352

Do you find it risible... when I say, 'Chin Chin' ? https://t.co/cITK3q0IBz

2 6

yeah why shouldn't a 12 year old girl have her own apartment and be in charge of cooking, cleaning, budgeting, and taking care of her baka onii-chan? https://t.co/ud2TW6Fz83

1 4

[OC] Your daily dose of mascot yuri (ft. mascots) https://t.co/aEsOHr2uAm

3 10