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I mentioned it on Facebook already, but the sheet for Hikaru Nara, the Kimi Uso OP is almost halfway done!
Isuzu from Amagi Brilliant PLOT is the best girl of this season. Prove me wrong
So, after some beer yesterday, I finally overcame my "anime crisis" and started to watch animu again. Isuzu best girl
Kyoani didn't lose their way. Amagi brilliant park confirmed for best anime of 2014. Yesssss.
Gochuumon wa usagi desu ka? - season 2 confirmed. This is why we CAN have nice things. Based Japan
Vivian James is awesome, one of the best things /v/ had created recently. Seriously, she is just perfect
Even Taiwan-chan is really really cute (from the hetalia axis powers series).
Why is taiwan so based.