

フォロー数:47 フォロワー数:116
# poetry

Clear communication is so attractive.
- 📓🖋
🎨Tores Ron

3 6

Never assume that loud is strong and quiet is weak.
- 📓🖋

2 4

I sit and see-my heart aches with desire-
That pageant terrible, that fiercely pouring fire
On wasted fields, and writhing grotesque things
Once men. My soul in pity flings (3)
- 🖌Alice Dunbar-Nelson

🎨Dimitar Voinov Junior

4 9

Grim - faced, stern - eyed, gazing beyond the ken
Of lesser souls, whose eyes have not seen Death,
Nor learned to hold their lives but as a breath -
But - I must sit and see. (2)

- Alice Dunbar-Nelson

🎨Dimitar Voinov Junior

3 6

I sit and saw - a useless task it seems,
My hands grown tired, my head weighed down with dreams -
The panoply of war, the martial tread of men, (1)

- 🖌Alice Dunbar - Nelson

🎨Dimitar Voinov Junior

7 17



A woman’s face with Nature’s own hand painted
Hast thou, the master-mistress of my passion;
A woman’s gentle heart, but not acquainted
With shifting change, as is false woman’s fashion; (1)
- William Shakespeare

- Anastasia Trusova 👉

3 7

Her rare perfumes, in hawthorn boughs distilled,
Blushing, she in thy sweeter bosom left,
Thine arms with all her virgin roses filled,
Yet felt herself the richer for thy theft; (2)
- Willa Cather

🎨 Nicola Simbari

3 8

To joyless regions of the sky -
And now’tis whiter than before!
As white as my poor cheek will be,
When, Lewti! on my couch I lie,
A dying man for love of thee.
Nay, treacherous image! leave my mind-
And yet, thou didst not look unkind.(6)
- Samuel Taylor

- Van Gogh’s flowers

5 17

The little cloud - it floats away,
Away it goes; away so soon?
Alas! it has no power to stay:
Its hues are dim, its hues are grey -
Away it passes from the moon!
How mournfully it seems to fly,
Ever fading more and more, (5)
- 🖋Samuel Taylor

- Claude Monet’s Paintings

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