Anne Louise Averyさんのプロフィール画像

Anne Louise Averyさんのイラストまとめ

Writer. E.M. Bannister research. Reynard the Fox/Fox for All Seasons published @BodPublishing. European editor @Panorama_J

フォロー数:6735 フォロワー数:50227

Cover illustrations by the exceptionally talented for Please, a complimentary brochure issued monthly by Japan Railway Kyushu.


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For anyone feeling sad or gloomy today, here are some dancing foxes and some foxes going about their everyday tricksy business to cheer you up.

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Garden or ornamental hermits were once hired to live in purpose-built hermitages, follies, or grottoes on the estates of wealthy 18th century land-owners. They were dressed up like druids & consulted for esoteric advice or viewed for entertainment.

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A kodama (木魅 - 木=tree; 魂=soul) is a Japanese spirit who dwells in trees. The sound of a tree crashing in the woods & the strange echoes that sound in mountains & valleys are said to be kodama. Cutting down a tree which houses a kodama brings great misfortune

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For Robert Louis Stevenson's birthday, my article on treasure maps, including the strange origins of Treasure Island: 'As I paused upon my map of Treasure Island, the future character of the book began to appear there visibly among imaginary woods'

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Poor Rosamund the Fair, kept by Henry II in a secret bower in Godstow Nunnery, protected by a labyrinth & guarded by a knight holding the end of a silver thread. One dark evening, jealous Queen Eleanor killed the guard, followed the thread & poisoned Rosamund.

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