

Stay healthy ୧( ಠ Д ಠ )୨

フォロー数:362 フォロワー数:471

Ah that jyh one leg spread on top of enemy will never cease to amaze me 💋🫶 Husband and wife couple together 💃💃

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Recently got Yelan and so happy with having her on my team, decided to draw her in her pizza collab outfit~ 🫰💖🫰#yelan

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I legit malding bcz that happens a lot to me 🤣

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AOI MY WIFE by I commissioned Rihito's partner, Aoi in his wedding suit~! He turns out so pretty as I have always imagined~ Thank you so much 💗💖💗💖🫰😍🫰Aoi belongs to my friend

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Happy birthday to my beloved idol, Tenshouin Eichi, I love his look, his personality, his background story, his love to Wataru, his banter with Rei, his friendship with Keito, his everything is what I like about him~

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