Annie Miyagawa- Tanuki Student Vtuber!さんのプロフィール画像

Annie Miyagawa- Tanuki Student Vtuber!さんのイラストまとめ

Amateur writer and aspiring #vtuber!

フォロー数:229 フォロワー数:230 Gungeon time, come on in! Oh and... sorry I was a little late...

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Gonna stream Enter the Gungeon at 6pm CST. Hope to see you guys there!

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Thanks to everyone who came to my stream, and a special thank you to everyone who raided! That would be and !

I didn't expect to beat Powered Up in one sitting, but it was a lot of fun, and I'm glad you guys were there to see it!

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I'm a little frazzled at the moment, but I should be able to stream as usual time(6:00 CST) Here's the tentative plan for the week!

Today: Starting Mega Man: Powered Up!

Wednesday: Gonna play more of Enter the Gungeon.

Saturday: Collab with some friends! More details later~

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Thanks to everyone who came to my stream! It was a lot of fun and I'm glad we could beat the game! Even if it crashed after we beat Flan... but hey, we got to see the end anyway, so it's all good!

Ahhh, it feels so good to finish things.

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Gonna be streaming(and maybe finishing?) Fantasy Maiden Wars S today at 6pm CST! Hope to see you guys there!

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But my peanut butter sandwiches! I already failed!

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