

Just a sad guy that knows how to make people laugh.…

フォロー数:169 フォロワー数:36

Uhh uhm uhh the fuckin, uhhh the uhmmmm the- the yeah, the uhmmm. . . Yeah

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Normalize being nice to people.
Its okay to offer up your own seat for someone else and be rewarded with nothing but the knowledge of knowing you did something nice.

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In my opinion eleven was probably the most dissapointing character in sf5. As much as I love him, the truth is that eleven is just the super random button and I kinda wish that he had an actual moveset either similar to twelve or something completely new.

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Yeah, I play fighting games, yeah, these are the characters I play, you guys wanna talk? Im looking for friends.

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En el nombre de jesus christo que carajo es esta mierda que ha nacido del infierno?

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