

26. She/Her. Freelance Localization Editor. Open for work!
Trails through Daybreak. Tokyo Xanadu eX+ (2024). Other stuff? 👀
Icon by @MissSleepless12

フォロー数:517 フォロワー数:1048

Shoutout to Alice and Margaret because man, I love their designs so damn much.

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More proof that Yusuke Kozaki is just overhated by FE fans that hate Fateswakening is the fact that he did the art and designs for No More Heroes and the NMH art is really fucking banger.

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Man, fuck that Falcom Girls Calendar (except for Noel)

Gimme that Falcom BOYS Calendar. Just LOOK AT THEM HOTTIES.

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I'm on a roll!

Ys vs. Trails in the Sky: Alternative Saga is now at 80% on the main scenario's second editing pass. That, alongside the recently finished second pass of non-scenario, means we are getting ever closer to be able to finally start testing.

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Why, what's wrong? It's just Papa Cassius!

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Extremely out of context but it looks like Swin is trying to reach that Lloyd tiddy.

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Short haired Kiseki girls appreciation post. Because I'm feeling a little gay.

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Aight, time to settle who's best Crossbell girl. No, I am not taking any criticisms when it comes to my choice of polling format.

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This is my overview of the Twitter accounts I had the most interactions with recently. Via

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