

• illustrator, designer and animator • pittsburgh based •

フォロー数:522 フォロワー数:597

Between classes, gallery, and moving, i have had little to no time this week :/ I did a few small doodles though!!

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finally getting some doodling in🌱

3 30

I have been pretty innactive this week, busy times! I did draw a bit though
Suneater, inspired by the eclipse

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Tell me, which one is your fave?

(OC Line up!)

6 18

warmup - back to school vibes

4 24

Also an art trade I did with !!

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Self portrait I did this week! Love how it turned out🌸

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💫 a little art trade with !! She is such a goddess and amazing, go give her a follow 💫

4 22

Self portrait - All colored in! 💫

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