

Photography, art, games, magic, cosplay. I like both things and stuff. Medium-tallish. He/him.

フォロー数:377 フォロワー数:215

Scenes from my flight home from to It was an awesome trip, but glad to be home (lots more photos coming!), Part 2

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Scenes from my flight home from to It was an awesome trip, but glad to be home (lots more photos coming!), Part 1

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My hotel is right next door to a giant arcade!! 🤩 So going to go over there and get my butt kicked by 8-year-olds! Woo!

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To paraphrase Dr Who: “Rainbow pillows (like bow ties) are cool.”

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Hype Train for Got my “Tipping Twos” for the awesome ninjas, all of the and anything else that may pop up! Going to be crazy!!

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saw this and for some crazy reason, thought of you...

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