Antje Herzogさんのプロフィール画像

Antje Herzogさんのイラストまとめ

A 2007 drawing journey turned Antje Herzog into a permanent fan of ink, pen and hatching - and travel. Home base is the area of Cologne, Germany.

フォロー数:540 フォロワー数:193

Reading time on the Saturday at 7pm at Atelier Georg Schwarz!

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Whatever has a price, something equivalent can take its place; what is beyond a price has its dignity.

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An honestly smitten one is in presence of his loved one embarrassed, clumsy and not very charming.

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Act that your principle of action might safely be made a law for the whole world.

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You fall in love with just the sheen,
but you love the truth.

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Politics says: Be smart as the snakes; morality adds (as a restricting condition): & w/o falsehood, like the doves.

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Pattern of the week: I am not a pattern designer, but since the wonderful work and instruc…

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Full Moon and my kids (and me) are not sleeping... Maybe I should try technique: ind…

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