

Writer | Sci-Comm | Artist | Paleontology enthusiast | Known for paleomemes | Following =/= agree |

フォロー数:911 フォロワー数:7709

"Hey Barygil, your fish-eating days are over. Now, give me the Yamato."

"If you want it, then you'll have to take it. But you already knew that."

21 88

I haven't drawn in a bit so fuck it, Dunkleostikarp

63 559

It was recently the 10th anniversary of Metal Gear Rising, so here's a repost of some of the MGR + dinosaur mashups I drew last year. Good times.

14 64

Edited my character with a voucher, also found out that the Bnahabara vest is a closer match for Josuke than the Espinas one

I think I did a pretty good job. Also, the voice type 8 that my hunter uses is Josuke's actual English VA, Billy Kametz, who passed away last year.

1 23

I am not scared of any FromSoft dragons but fuck, I have never beaten Alatreon, G-rank Shagaru Magala, nor can I do Malzeno hunts in Sunbreak without carting at least once.

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