

the feelings everybody goes through in Life...@PsychologyMind1

(behind every tweet, there's a secret msg for someone)

フォロー数:32321 フォロワー数:107822

so hard to trust people nowadays

232 1113

if u want more love in ur life, start spreading it.

254 1016

so many connections but very few bonding

87 533

where there is no vision, there is no hope.

(donde no hay visión, no hay esperanza.>

99 396

once u become fearless, life becomes limitless.

72 367

don't forget to love yourself

(اپنے آپ سے محبت کرنا مت بھولنا)

88 378

it’s only everything i could never say that keeps me up at night

87 355

and then there r those who understand u without the need for words

111 464

that feeling when you're listening to music n the memories come back to u

69 241

be honest... what would u do?

78 398