Anyacrypha 百合イラストさんのプロフィール画像

Anyacrypha 百合イラストさんのイラストまとめ

アニメとラノベが好きです。今ハマってるは #裏世界ピクニック と #がルクラ
English fluent, Thai nid noi…

フォロー数:1595 フォロワー数:973

Tried a tip that said to use chibis to draft out different design silhouettes, but I find it harder this way and don't like any of the stuff I did today orz

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also did a rough sketch of Lowellmina from wonder if I should turn it into a proper drawing later

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Tried following Saito Naoki's tutorial on 5 backgrounds ( ) , I guess I managed to do a little bit

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Saint Beast Tamer is pretty cute. It's a typical OP isekai story, with a girl motivated entirely by her desire for fluffy animals. The humor mostly comes from her absurdity and the contrast with people's expectations. Art by Falmaro is beautiful as well.

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OH MY GOD I THOUGHT I RECOGNIZED THE ART STYLE, AND IT'S FALMARO SENSEI AGAIN! The illustrator for Genius Prince that I think of as my role model!

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felt sick so I'm late TT^TT

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Tiana Bracklin
my isekai main character

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Happy Valentine's Day!

Wanted to draw and Juna together ever since I found out they're both voiced by Ueda Reina.

Worked hard on this so RTs appreciated 💞

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Hang out with me on Valentine's! No I won't be lovey dovey, just malding over how THIS PICTURE IS TAKING FOREVER. Drawing stream now!

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Stream over, thanks for watching! Didn't finish yet but I need to get some sleep orz. Gonna continue this drawing tomorrow, hopefully I can actually finish it within Valentine's

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