

| Into animation and comics |
| She/Her | |21| |🇳🇬|

フォロー数:341 フォロワー数:268

Amber is shown to have claws in Dana's art but not in the show implying they are retractable https://t.co/SfIdZRtxIq

6 63

So Collector is basically Pink Diamond

12 91

It's so funny how the other coven heads passed out cold and alone on the hard ground meanwhile Raine's just dying in a MILFs lap

20 95

45 and making smash bros references + getting bullied by their own students... there's ALOT to make fun of Raine for

24 190

I'm glad we're talking about ships again because I have something to admit...

1 32

Where do you stand

316 8611