

Big waifu enjoyer
Photoshop """artist"""

フォロー数:225 フォロワー数:30314

I might even end doing some Wing Diver bigness at this rate too.

8 29

I've been playing EDF5 all day, its a very comfy Christmas so far.

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"Dimensions, planets, and unfathomable amounts of beru beru squishiness collide as these omnipotent CPUs decide to use our amusingly small existence one last time before continuing their universe dwarfing ascension."

A fashionably late bday gift for

18 83





And casual reminder to always open my collages with :orig at the end of their link to get their true size and resolution.

5 24

This one is dedicated to the madmen still struggling to bring their Bootymante home.

26 118

You seriously think pic related would allow her team be named anything else?

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The DLC of Valkyria Chronicles 4 is a wild ride.

40 229