Hai feさんのプロフィール画像

Hai feさんのイラストまとめ

“Train your mind to see the good in everything. Positivity is a choice. The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.”

フォロー数:206 フォロワー数:414

I say, “mama I wanna die.”
“Aww, don’t think that,” she replies
I cry, “my life is the bluest sky.”
“But you’ll go to hell,” she sighs

I love to live, but I live to love!
I am not understood
by my changes of mood
and therefore, I am without love!

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I just want to heal and not always be counting numbers in my head with this fear that something bad is going to happen if I let go of control.I’m sick of checking and rechecking things when I know in my heart that all is well, but my mind has a difficult time trying to understand

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"Terbaik" kamu tidak akan selalu sama setiap hari, seperti suhu ramalan cuaca selama seminggu, misalnya, berfluktuasi.

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Iasih! Uda ada yang setia ngapain harus selingkuhsih! Uda capek bangunbhubungan malah dirusak kan jadi sia sia kenangan selama ini ya, Nitip ya kak 🙏🏼
Barang x ada yang butuh jasa buat Ilustrasi dengan pasangany sperti ini 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 bisa hubungi saya ya kak 😌✨😊

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