

BLM/ACAB/ No Human is Illegal. He/Him
SFW all are welcome.
Partner in gay crimes @Subaroo802
VT/ Too many hobbies
Suits: 🦊 by @TwinkyArts
🐑 by @LLLCostumes

フォロー数:496 フォロワー数:713

Premiering my first new OC in ten years Simon.
Suit by
Character sheet

Still waiting for even nerdier clothes to come in the mail so this will have to do for now.

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Amazing art by the talented
Characters Chester the wolf:
Simon the sheep

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Ref sheet just got finished.

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When mom orders the fried chicken for dinner from the Price Chopper hot bar instead of the KFC one exit down the interstate.

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Buddy of mine is doing pay what you want commissions to get by while looking for a job, he lost his to COVID-19. Shoot him an email at beardedbrother25.com Likes and retweets to signal boost appreciated even if you're not in the market for art.

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I talk to my batches of brewing beer the same way some people converse with their house plants...
Except it's always an impression of Lois coming on to Peter.

I offer no explanation for this.

"Ohh.... Bee-yah..." *giggle*

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Drinking Mate/matcha/black tea to try and wake up... Pray for me. Also, drawing done by me 5 years ago

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Freaking is the best. MS Paint has increased corporate productivity 200%

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