

PFP by @zavizardas_

フォロー数:1150 フォロワー数:445

Sorry for spamming my transmog again. I'm just really proud of it... I'm also hoping that in Dragonflight survival hunters can dual wield. That way I could pull off this look with the torch.

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I think this transmog I made was a bit of a miss this time around. Was going for like a Mo'arg brute type demon hunter. Heavily armored.

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So, I'm curious guys. Should I make Dourwright a normal Gilnean Human or a Worgen? One of my big plans for Dragonflight is to be one of the best Leatherworkers on my server so Worgen has really good racials for that. But I like how Humans look in gear a lot better?

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Meet Corporal Dourwright! A militia Kennelmaster's apprentice turned Adventurer in the aftermath of Gilneas' fall. A bit slow-witted, but kind and honest, the lad is bereft of the guidance of his former militia peers and seeks to aid the Kaldorei as repayment for their kindness!

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Alright, guys. I added a bit more "Mercenary/Adventurer" vibes to my Gilnean soldier's transmog. What do you think?

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Hey, guys. What would be a good spec for my Gilnean Hunter? Marksman, Beastmastery or Survival?

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I made some changes to my Gilnean Hunter's look. What do you guys think? Its all mail/hunter armor and works ingame too! I used the falconer's pose with the torch to make it look like he's out hunting in the witchwoods!

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I made a Gilnean themed mail outfit! What do you guys think!?

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