

hi,have fun exploring my page 🍏age:20🍎digital artist🍏taken🍎female🍏commisions-CLOSED🍎…

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Ideas for a fictional boss fight of Luciandro vs Peppino

Man my brain told me to create this and i dunno why
If ill have more ideas, I'm gonna post them in this one, so that it stays connected and its not individually seperated qwq

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A small fanart for my bestie 💖💖 plus new reference for my oc Curly ❤

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,,Family photo,,
Before he became a pirate, he was a child of a Royal family, that had no idea what was about to come

Another piece i started back in May of 2021 and finished just today 💕

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A dtiys for my friend 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

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,,the bloom rain,, gift for 💕

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Gift for @.grumblegomble on insta
Happy birthday pal! ^^ 🎂

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The chibi prize of Trevor from and for @ oka_lona.png on instagram ^^ ❤

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,,Catch the notes!,, a small gift for ❤ he's so so underrated and he deserves a lot of appreciation ^^

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Some dtiys for Smol.hog on instagram x3

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