

Just an Apple, sweet as pie! *Not actually sweet.
--She / Her, 25, Cartoon Witch

-No Minors! Why I should have to say this is beyond me.

フォロー数:138 フォロワー数:363

Ok so this is adorable and I might just have to make more than one head for this skin I cobbled together

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Incase you haven't caught on yet I'm makin a mod of this fuckin bitch or as close as I can get with a dog face x3

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Also Apple has time to draw on the side now that she's not allowed to be Horny™ bait for a while.

This is my new nelf. She has Cat Brain, is better with plants than animals, and is nicknamed French Bread in the guild roster for ??? No reason???

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I liked my doodle so I cleaned it up a lil lol

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Yellow on peets but green on haws!

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There we go? I guess?

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I don't draw furries but I wanted to try the timelapse feature in clip!

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