🇯 🇦 🇾 🍎 AppuruJayさんのプロフィール画像

🇯 🇦 🇾 🍎 AppuruJayさんのイラストまとめ

🍏ANIME Illustrations|Tutorials

🍎Vtuber/ACG/OC Illustration|Character Design


More active on Instagram

フォロー数:55 フォロワー数:102

Thank you for the art share!!! 😊❤
Here are some of my favourite illustrations I did

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Hey there! Thanks for the art share!!! Here are some of my favourite illustrations :D

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Favourite art process is definitely shading! Especially shading lighting ❤❤ another is shading eyes!! Eyes are like something that is a must to shade properly even if it's just a rough sketch❤❤

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Hey there!! Tysm for the art share!!! :D
Really wanted to show my illustrations somewhere haha
Oh yeah, I specialise in illustrations in an anime art style :) ❤

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Hey there!! Thank you for the art share and supporting creators!!♥️ I'm going to drop some of my favourite works here (which are mostly fanart and one oc hahaaha)👀👀

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WAHHH!! THE LIGHTING AND SHADOWS!!! IT LOOKS AMAZING!! i love how theres blue highlights too!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️

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So pretty!!! I love her cute expression ❤❤❤the eyes are super pretty as well❤❤also love how she's holding a bit of her hair

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Welcome to my profile! I'm AppuruJay.
I've been drawing digitally for several years and I specialize in drawing illustrations in an anime art style!
I draw original characters, vtuber art and fanart!
I also know Malay language and some Mandarin!

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