Talk About the Genocide in Palestine 🇵🇸さんのプロフィール画像

Talk About the Genocide in Palestine 🇵🇸さんのイラストまとめ

Go read "Robin: Son of Batman (2015)" before you talk to me or my son again.

フォロー数:79 フォロワー数:1593

and Damian with his hair down isn't a new concept either, the reason most artists nowadays stick to spikey hair is because they want a lazy way to differentiate from all white boys around him (instead of simply not whitewashing him)

3 45

I really appreciate how when Dick revealed that he faked his death to his family, Jason and Tim went straight to beating him up while Damian, who you would ASSUME would have reacted the most violently out of all them, just ran to hug Dick and tell him that he missed him.

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I wonder if this is where they got the name Ghost-Maker from for Khoa

1 30

Remember when they were going to give Hawkman and Hawkwoman a son if they won Round Robin but they lost and DC went "lol I guess he just would never exist then"? That shit was so wild

45 561

First it was City of Bane then it was Shadow War, afterward it was BvR as well as Lazarus Planet and now THIS? Makes you wonder what will the 6th event that needs Damian to start things off, only to immediately discard him and barley show him in the actual event be about.

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There's something about Batman Dick understanding the feelings of Damian and being able to see things from his POV because he too was in his shoes at one point that simply warms my heart

24 206

I miss his iconic boots

Damian without his knee-high lace-up boots is like Jason without a red helmet or Nightwing without any blue in his suit

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